Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Blue - Illustration Friday

Out of the blue.

This illo took a little time to do. I was back and forth with the gradient mesh tool trying to create highlights and shadows on the sea but I had some disastrous effects, and so ended up using flat colours and shapes to create the illusion of the sea and sky. But if you want to see some truly amazing photorealistic work using the gradient mesh tool have a look at Todd Ferris. I just don’t know how he does it!

I would be so grateful for your comments. ;-)


Anonymous said...

heee!! she is beautiful!

carla said...

I actually like the flat treatment very much! This reminds me of some ancient Greek pottery design...a jumping mermaid emerging from the sea. It has a joyful, playful feeling...very nice!

Doug said...

Hey there Queenie... I like the action in your figure... and I have never figured out the gradient mesh tool either. So far I stick to the simple gradients (linear and radial)... I understand those!
Thanks for pointing out Todd... he's new to me... amazing work!

Twisselman said...

Really like the movement here. Nice variety of blues contrasted with the mermaid's hair and lips. Cool scales on her midrift. Thanks from me, too, on the link to Todd Ferris. Awesome.

Caroline said...

Go mermaid!

I love the energy she is showing as she flies through the air!

Kay Aker said...

What verve and zeal. Makes you feel like jumping in.

Leeza Hernandez Illustrator said...

Cool illo! Makes me want to jump right in and join her. Gotta beat this chilly-willy-weather we're getting over heere - yukkedy-yuk-yuk-yuk!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, btw.

Aravis said...

I'm completely unable to paint anything recognizable on my computer- having only a mouse to draw/paint with- so I can only say that I'm impressed! As for the concept, I really like it. She looks like she's really enjoying herself. :0)

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

You have an eye for colour. I like the colour scheme you have used for this piece.

Lydia Sanchez said...

Cool drawings ! ^^