Sunday, June 04, 2006

Portrait - Illustration Friday

For Illo Friday's topic, Portrait. Unfortunately I won't have time this week to post a new illo. I am working on a new website and its taking up all my free time. So here is Diasy, who I did a while ago. ;-) Looking forward to seeing your ideas!


° said...

nice graphic illo like ur colors, good luck with ur new site

Ken said...

cool style, what did you create this in? illustrator?

Queen Tut said...

Yip, I do all my work in Illustrator. Sketching my ideas on paper and then I use my Wacom tablet to redraw it on the computer.

buep said...

Nice illo! And all the luck with your new site!

Jaimie said...

Daisy looks very cool. I love your colors and composition.

Natura said...

kGreat job! Like it's very graphic and clean :)

Twisselman said...

Daisy's got cool shades. I really like the clean style here... the background texture and the great orange and green colors. Oh, and those flowers floating in front of Daisy. All wonderful.

Gabrielle said...

There's a nice graphical design quality to this portrait with the blocks of colour in the bacground. Great colour choices and line qualities here!

I was going to ask if you used Illustrator and a Wacom tablet too. (I use both as well)

Gabrielle said...

Oh, those animated gifs you wondered about on my blog... I'm not too sure what you are asking so bear with me, my brain has not woken up yet...

If you are wondering how I got them into the header and sidebar, I just used an img tag in the template in the appropriate areas. I just linked to them thru my website. Did I answer your question? If not let me know and I will try to explain myself better :)


Unknown said...

very coool design illo!

TXArtcGal said...

Nice job! Good luck on your website!

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

love the blocks of orange and the flowing floral pattern on the bottom. well designed!

Alexiev said...

I lick Blog...

Esta muy lindo... me gusto...

Saludos desde Buenos Aires...

Best regards...

Ken Chandler said...

That's a nice portrait, esp. since you did it in Illustrator. I still don't have the hang of it. I usually use it for setting up type once I've finished an image in photoshop, and for other general maintance projects. Nicely done.
Glad to know you got a laugh from my "Jungle" post. That's why I do what I do. Thanks for your comment.

String said...

Nice illo really like it.

Anonymous said...

I love the color scheme in this. I've been seeing the pink/orange scheme a LOT lately, not just in illustrations but everywhere I look. Has this just become popular or is it one of those mental things?

Gerald de Dios said...

Nice work on this portrait. You should do more :) Keep it up.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Very nice work and really neat blog !!